Artists for #ClapAndAct

Artists for #ClapAndAct

Join us, support our university hospitals!

FR   NL    

With the #ClapAndAct campaign, Belgian university hospitals together collect funds they urgently need because of the Corona crisis.
​We can all make a donation via ​
​And artists can do more: support the campaign by posting their own original clip.

How can you participate?

1. Make your own music clip with the backing track and score as a starting point.

Backing Track Pack - 12 MB

2. End your clip with the message 
​ ​
​ ​ "Turn your applause into a gift, on"

3. Share your support clip on your social media with the hashtag #ClapAndAct

4. Send the link to our team ([email protected]), so we can also share it.

Go for it, make it into something original and beautiful!
Here are Edor and Nathan Daems (Black Flower, Echoes of Zoo, ...) with two fine examples!


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A text to invite your friends to join in as well (via email or social media)


In these difficult times, the university hospitals really need our help and encouragement. That's why I made a support clip for Check it out: < PUT THE LINK TO YOUR clip HERE>.
​It would be great if you would also participate, make a clip and share it in your social media with #ClapAndAct. Together we can give a positive note to these difficult times !

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About Emakina.BE

About Emakina, the User Agency  

Emakina is a digital agency with global reach. It is part of Emakina Group, an EPAM Systems Inc.(NYSE: EPAM) company. Its technology and marketing experts work with customers to develop high performance marketing and creative solutions for business challenges, from cutting-edge applications, websites, and eCommerce projects to impactful content and campaigns.

As the ambassadors for users, Emakina places the user’s requirements and expectations at the heart of every digital experience. This approach offers the agency’s customers and their brands a privileged relationship with consumers of the digital age. Learn more at

Chloé Marchant
Marketing and communication director
Rue Middelbourg 64A
1170 Watermael-Boitsfort